Tried In Absentia

So, summer did not exactly work out as I planned.  I missed pretty much every movie I had planned to see and write about.  Some of them are still in the theater, and I may get there yet.

I’m sure you would understand if I started telling you all about how busy I’ve been this summer.  No, you wouldn’t 🙂  Just a bunch of excuses all strung together until the words just turn into mush.

How about I write about what I’m planning to do to catch up?  First, a couple of TV shows.  One has ended after 5 seasons, but I wanted to get some words in on it.  The other is just starting.

Then, haunted house season.  Thanks to some fortuitous travel plans, I will be visiting quite a few this year.  Here in north Alabama, I will be going to the Haunted House of Horror in Courtland and then to Arx Mortis in Killen.  A trip to Georgia will find me at 13 Stories, Netherworld, and Chamber of  Horrors, all around Atlanta and all assuming I can fit them together in one night!  A long road trip will see me at Haunted Hoochie in Columbus, Ohio; Scarehouse and the Basement in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and finally Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios in Orlando.   I’m excited about this, especially the variety and scale of the haunts I’ll visit.   I won’t be comparing the hometown haunts to the internationally recognized ones, but I will be writing about the good, the bad, and the ugly of each on its own merit.

If you aren’t a haunt fan, there will be some other attractions visited as well, including the National Museum of the United States Air Force, so stay tuned.

And as ever, there will be spoilers.  Well, there will be whatever I can remember spoiler-wise, which is going to take some quick wit and a ready pen.

No regrets.  No tears over spilled milk.  No looking back, and no crying in baseball!  Onward, ever onward!